General provisions.
- This rulebook define the terms of short-term tenancy of TOO-GOOD suites.
- This rulebook is an integral part of assured short-term suites tenancy which is concluded between client and TOO-GOOD.
- Definitions which were used in this rulebook:
- Suite– fully furnished living quarter which is placed in TOO-GOOD property in Cracow, Św. Jana Street 18, which can be reserved or leased.
- TOO-GOOD-TOO-GOOD limited company, placed in Cracow at Św. Jana Street 18/U4, 31-018 Cracow, Companies House: 0000542925, Tax number: 6762484778, National Business Registry Number: 360773619, which is licensed to hiring suites.
- Lease price- the amount of money which is a product of day rate for suite lease and a amount of days of lease. The price includes visitors’ tax. The proof of payment can be a confirmation of a bank transfer, confirmation of payment by electronic terminal, receipt or invoice.
- Client- a natural person which is capacitate or body corporate within the meaning of act from 23rd April 1964- Civil Code( from 17th December 2013, Journal of Laws from 2014, position 121 with later changes).
- Lease- The lease proportion between TOO-GOOD and a client in which TOO-GOOD is led out a suite on easy terms. The lease is short term and do not subserve for constant housing needs.
Contract subject.
- The contract of short-term lease concluded between TOO-GOOD and a client is a rental agreement in Civil Code and TOO-GOOD testifies short-term renting services. (PKWiU symbol 55.20).
- For short-term rental agreement do not fit the laws from 21st June 2001 about the protections of tenants rights, municipal housing stock and the Civil Code amendment act (from 6th December 2013, Journal of Laws from 2014, position 150 with later changes).
- The contract of short-term lease covers only the lease of suites. TOO-GOOD does not provide any additional services. Particularly, TOO-GOOD does not provide any touristic services within the meaning of contract from 29th August 1997 about the touristic services (from 10th January 2014, Journal of Laws from 2014 position 196 with late changes).
Suites’ lease rules.
- The clients’ arrival should be anteriorly set up with TOO-GOOD stuff member. Client is obliged to inform TOO-GOOD that he/she cannot arrive on settled time.
- TOO-GOOD is not responsible towards client for possible delays in suite leases if client gives wrong time of arrival.
- Putting suite into use can come when client shows ID to TOO-GOOD’s stuff member and fill up and sign the Registration Card.
- Client get the keys directly in building. In the case of loosing or destroying keys, Client is obliged to pay an extra charge- 100 zlotych. The client cannot change the lockers by himself or make the extra key. Client can get extra set of keys if he fill up the motion.
- TOO-GOOD stuff member can reject to give the keys if the person is drunk, under the influence of drugs or when the person is aggressive or infringes this rulebook.
- The lights-out are from 10.00 p.m. to 6.00 a.m.
- The client is obliged to act friendly towards neighbors and to respect the rules of welfare. In the objects in which there is in force the housing rules and regulations for owners and tenants, the client is obliged to be obey towards it.
- The number of people which can use the suite is given in the suite’s description which is on our website www.too-good.pl . Client is obliged to inform the lessor if the number of people change in given suite.
- Non-registered people in suite can be inside from 8.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m. It is forbidden to organize loud and onerous social events or parties.
- In suits and in the communal parts of the building (staircases and corridors) smoking and open flames are forbidden.
- It is forbidden to keep any things in the communal part of the building (staircases, corridors, windowsills). Baby carriages are the exception.
- No alcohol is permitted in the communal part of the building.
- Barbecuing on balconies and in the building is forbidden.
- Suite’s trashes should be tossed only to the special containers which are on the courtyard.
- Doings which can harm communal part of the building as well as precincts (throwing things from windows, tossing trashes on wrong places) are unacceptable.
- Due to the fire safety it is forbidden to use in suites any heaters, irons and other electrical appliances which are not in suite equipment. The ban does not apply to the chargers, consumers electronics’ feeders or computer’s feeders.
- Client is obliged to take care of water stopcocks, gas valves and electrical appliances, closing doors and windows at every exit. Client takes responsibility for keys so any outsiders should not have access to them.
- Pets are allowed in suites only after anteriorly permission of TOO-GOOD stuff member, provided that it makes no harm.
- The day rental starts at 2.00 p.m. and lasts till noon the next day. Client is obliged to hand keys back to TOO-GOOD stuff member after the time of renting.
Appurtenances. Client’s responsibility.
- Client takes full financial responsibility for any damages and harms inside building in which the suite is placed, in suite and its equipment. It is related to client as well as to his/her visitors.
- Client is obliged to inform immediately TOO-GOOD stuff member about any damages which are mentioned in item 1, about any things which can expose anyone to harm and about any claims of third party.
- Client is obliged to pay immediately for any harms.
- In the case when client do not pay for harm or pay it partly, TOO-GOOD can check into compensation from client. TOO-GOOD reserve the right to charge client’s credit card for harm.
- Client cannot lease suites without a TOO-GOOD’s permission or giving them to the third party.
- It is forbidden to do any trading, especially connected to taking somebody in.
- Client cannot do any repairs or changes in suites without anterior permission. If there is a necessity to repair something, client is obliged immediately to inform TOO-GOOD stuff member. Client cannot request the refund unless the sides decide otherwise.
- Client is obliged to take care of suite and give it back in similar condition regard the normal life style. When client do not return the suite after the time of lease, he/she is obliged to pay penalty fixed by the contract which is 800 zlotych for every day.
Appurtenances. TOO-GOOD responsibility.
- In the case of force majeure i.e. special conditions which are neutral for both sides, natural disasters, strikes, hostilities or other situations which makes lease impossible, TOO-GOOD does not take responsibility for it.
- In extraordinary situations lessor can reserve the right to change the suite to similar one or to higher standard one for the same or lower price.
- Suite is a mere living quarter used by client for lease. Lessor does not take responsibility for any privations or damages on client’s private stuff or other people exploiting suites, especially does not take responsibility which is mentioned in article 846-852 of Civil Code.
- The lessor does not take responsibility for temporary restrictions of failures: water, heat, power and for the drawbacks made by momentary exclusions of facilities connected to repairs or maintenances.
- TOO-GOOD stuff member can come in suite to repair the failure or in the case when it is justified that client infringe this rulebook.
- In case of justified infringing of this rulebook, TOO-GOOD has right to terminate an agreement with immediately effect.
Personal details.
- While making the reservation client grants to put his personal details into TOO-GOOD’s database. Data will be processing only to execution of reservation, make the future reservation easier and to marketing purposes, contractually from 29th July 1997 about the personal data protection ( that is from 26 June 2014, Journal of Laws from 2014, position 1182 with later changes).
- The client has right to check his personal details and to change them.
Basket clauses.
- The law for arguments between client and TOO-GOOD is Polish law.
- In case of reservation made by natural person possible arguments will be decided by Court of General Jurisdiction while the reservation made by economic activity or by corporations possible arguments will be decided by Court appropriate to TOO-GOOD.
- The Rulebook comes into effect 14th March 2015.
- The Rulebook is available in TOO-GOOD’s reception.
1. Right of Withdrawal
According to Article 38(12) of the Consumer Rights Act, the right to withdraw from a distance contract does not apply to the provision of accommodation services other than for residential purposes, if the contract specifies a particular date or period of service. Therefore, bookings for Too-Good Apartments in Krakow made for a specific date are not subject to the right of withdrawal.
Any complaints regarding stays at the apartments should be submitted in writing to the email address: hello@too-good.pl
Complaints will be processed within 14 days from the date of submission.
To file a complaint, please provide:
•the name and surname of the person who made the booking,
•the stay dates,
•a description of the issues raised,
•any supporting evidence (e.g., photos).
Too-Good makes every effort to provide the highest standard of service, but in the case of justified complaints, we will take action to resolve the issue and provide compensation where appropriate.